Beekeeping in Rwanda has been practiced for many years through successive generations and along inherited patterns. A simple practice that requires little investment, beekeeping has the potential to supplement household incomes. This study aims at facilitating linkages between partners/stakeholders in the Pro Bee Project area and the relevant networks at different levels (nationally, regionally and internationally) this project is currently implemented by FIOM Rwanda with a financial support of Palladium International Ltd via Ikiraro cy’Iterambere Program it emphasize on information sharing, policy dialogue and export market
The focus of the study is to conduct a Participatory Action Research on the beekeeping value chain in the districts of Kayonza, Gatsibo and Nyagatare so that various value chain actors participate in this research by providing information (success, challenges, opportunities, and threats) relating to the implementation of beekeeping related policies, their consistency and abilities to make beekeeping value chain responsive to local and export market. This study used a Participatory Action Research (PAR), the spider web model (MIDCA, 2010) and SWOT analytical methods to achieve its objectives. A literature data collected from desk (Bibliography research) and field studies (Institution survey) was also used to analyze existing policies strategies, law and data designed for the beekeeping Value Chain in Rwanda
The results show that the beekeeping sub sector in the study area is far from realizing its potential for earning foreign exchange, as well as generating more income for smallholder beekeepers and other actors in the value chain. Apart from honey none of other bee products such as and beeswax propolis, royal jelly and bee venom are produced and developed by beekeeping actors. The driving forces of the beekeeping industry in Rwanda and elsewhere in the world currently are large many attempts have been done to introduce modern beekeeping technologies but the study found that the adoption rate at small scale beekeeper’s (subsistence level) and trader’s levels in the study are still very low. A business approach to beekeeping at micro level of the chain of actors is almost absent. Beekeepers access to appropriate financial services is also lacking. The existing policy, law and strategy related to beekeeping are not well known by the majority of beekeeping actors and a low collaboration among them is very limited and the dialogues among the stakeholders are even absent. Three market segments were identified for honey.
There are local lower income brackets consumers mainly by local tradition brewery, national medium to high income consumers mainly urban based,and tourists from Akagera National Park. No export or other bee products market segment were noted in this study area. This local market is normally reached with table honey processed, packaged and branded by a few beekeeping cooperatives using rudimentary methods. The study noted a new innovative approach currently applied where beekeepers are encouraged to be in active market player and in the sometime considered as stakeholders among others. Other notable findings noted was an increasing participation of women and youth to joining beekeeping cooperatives are that previously dominantly by man. Specific recommendations have been made among them are to bridge the existing production and marketing knowledge gaps and means. These should be done by: Ensure beekeepers are well organized in to cooperative; Development of innovative technology adaptation models: Promoting Village level training & demo centre (Beekeeping Field School) allowed more farmers in the community/ beekeepers to access new skills/knowledge. Local Authorities are requested to locate such areas for that purpose; including beekeeping targets in the performance contract of the districts (Imihigo), Establish a regularly beekeeping subsector dialogue / multi stakeholder platform up to sector levels , and finally, the beekeeping extension services to be moved from RAB (Food security) to NAEB ( Marketing & Agri Export promotion) to better assist this sub sector maximizing its fully potential and taken at the same level as other cash food commodities